Quick references

Last modified: September 7, 2014

This site may be useful for people working with Linux operating system and/or Oracle database. Currently it provides:

These references are not tutorials for beginners - some basic knowledge of the subject is required. I've tried to make them as short as possible, less words, more examples. The idea was to have some compact refs that could be used for everyday system / database administration.

You can use online versions or download archives. Currently, there is no specific installation or update application, you just download, unpack and copy the whole structure to some empty directory of your choise; index.html is the entry point.

Archive nameSize, bytesCreation date
qr-linux.tar.gz   3529872014-Sep-06
qr-oracle.tar.gz   3276792014-Sep-06

Note, that all files are UTF-8 (unicode) and Unix/Linux-style (newline at the end of the line, no CR). Each reference has its own index.html and a single style file qref0?.css.

Technically, these references are based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and were designed to be used with mobile devices (personal computers handle these contents without problem too, unless browser version is too old). There are following basic requirements: the screen width must be at least 480px, the browser must support JavaScript, HTML4 / CSS2.1 (or higher).

The reference automatically adapts to the screen size. If the browser window width is less than 960 pixels, the reference becomes single column (smartphone-style). Otherwise, provided your browser supports frames, you get 2 columns: the left frame displays the Table Of Contents, the right frame displays information. To change this behaviour, edit index.html and toc.js (it may be a little bit tricky).

Also, if you don't like the reference's appearance (fonts, colors, etc), you can edit the appropriate CSS file (qref0?.css). Note that the Table Of Contents is created dynamically. To add or remove items, you have to edit toc.js.

If you find some errors, you can send me a note. However, I don't promise to answer, or to react immediately.

I'm not sure what kind of license these refs could have. May be, something like GNU Public License (if applicable)? Anyway, I accept no responsibility for any damage that may follow due to inappropriate use, etc.