
is a front end for groupadd and groupmod. For more info see adduser.


is a front end for useradd and usermod.

adduser and addgroup together have five (5) modes:

Some examples (you must have root priv):

adduser mozart audio

add an existing user mozart to an existing group audio;

adduser bamboo

create a new [normal, regular] user with typical defaults like home dir of the same name, group of the same name (will be auto created); this cmd also prompts you for password and additional info; you can force the assignment of specific UID with --uid nn, but cmd fails if this UID is already taken;

adduser --system terminator

create a system account, i.e., a user with UID in the range FIRST_SYSTEM_UID .. LAST_SYSTEM_UID; by default, system users are placed in the nogroup (can be overridden with --gid); a home dir is created by the same rules as for normal users (can be cancelled with --no-create-home); the new system user will have the /bin/false shell (unless overridden with --shell), and have logins disabled; skeletal config files are not copied;


searches man database (manual pages) for instances of keyword. The database is updated by mandb program (usually runs as dayly / weekly cron job, see /etc/cron.dayly). Some installations do not configure it to be run auto; in this case you can either start it manually (each time when new app was installed) or configure auto execution.

apropos [options] keyword ...

apropos stream

apropos datagram portmap

apropos -w job*

apropos -e printf


-h    --help    -v    --verbose    -V    --version

-a, --and

show only those items that match all specified keywords;

-C file, --config-file=file

use the specified user config file instead of ~/.manpath;

-e, --exact

search each keyword for exact match;

-L str, --locale=str

temporarily override current locale with the specified locale string;

-l, --long

do not truncate the output to the terminal width;

-M path, --manpath=path

set search path for manual pages to path;

-m system, --system=system

use manual pages from other systems;

-r, --regex

interpret each keyword as a regular expression (default);

-s n, --section n

search only the specified man section;

-w, --wildcard

interpret each keyword as a pattern containing shell-style wildcards;

Exit codes
0 Success
1 Usage, syntax or configuration file error
2 Operational error
16 Nothing was found that matched the criteria specified


Do not confuse apt with APT, Advanced Packaging Tool, which includes a library and a set of cmdline programs like apt, apt-get, apt-cache, etc.

Technically, APT is a free-software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian-based distributions. Also, it can be considered as a front-end to dpkg.

apt was introduced in Ubuntu 16.04 (?) as an attempt to improve and simplify software management by merging the best features of apt-get and apt-cache.

You should prepend apt with sudo, unless you are root. And before you start upgrading or installing pkgs, you should run the following cmd to refresh your pkg database with the latest "news" from the repositories:

apt update

reads info from repositories and updates the local package database; during pkg info retreival it marks each line either with Hit (nothing new), or Ign (ignored because of some error, or because it's too recent to update), or Get (new version is available); Note! This cmd does not install anything!

apt upgrade

upgrades all installed packages (it shows you the list of packages to be upgraded and asks if you want to do this);

apt full-upgrade

like prev, but also removes installed pkgs if it's necessary for the correct upgrade;

apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

updates pkg database, and immediately starts to update (upgrade) eligible pkgs; -y means "assume yes as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively";

apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

installs PostgreSQL and related stuff; if it is already installed, it will be upgraded, but only if [according to package database] a new version is available (and that's why the package database must be updated at the beginning of each upgrade/install session); by default, ~ installs the latest version available; however, if you explicitly specify version number, a command like:

apt install pkg_name=version

installs earlier version of the package; usually it's not good, but sometimes it's a satisfactory temporary solution;

apt install audacious --no-upgrade

install audacious; but if it's already installed, do not upgrade it to a newer version!

apt install mplayer --only-upgrade

upgrade mplayer if it's present in the system; but do not install it, if it was not installed earlier!

apt remove gnome-tweak-tool

removes the specified package; to be exact, this cmd removes binary files and leaves behind config files related to a package; if you want to remove everything, use purge:

apt purge gnome-tweak-tool

this cmd removes everything related to the specified package; it's good in two cases: (1) if you want to perform a clean reinstall, and (2) if you're not going to use this package in the foreseeable future;

apt search word_to_look_for

lists all pkgs containing the specified word (choose your search pattern carefully: unique library name is good, common words not);

apt show pkg_name

shows info about the specified pkg (dependencies, download size, installation size, sources the pkg is available from, content description, etc); this cmd is applicable to all pkgs, installed and not installed;

apt list --upgradeable

lists all pkgs that have a newer versions and can/should be upgraded;

apt list --installed

lists all installed packages;

apt list --all-versions

lists all available packages for your system;

apt purge autoremove

removes useless libs and pkgs that were auto installed to satisfy dependencies and left behind after the depending packages were removed; apt does not support clean or autoclean;


-h    --help    -v    --version


Probably, you should use apt - it's newer, simpler, and more convenient. The only reason to use apt-get is the necessity to do something that apt does not allow.

The apt-get handles installation and removal of software on the Ubuntu, Debian, and other Debian-like Linux systems. It automates retrieval, configuration, installation of software pkgs from binary files or source code. All pkgs containing dependencies required by the package(s) specified for the installation are auto retrieved and installed. ~ was originally designed as a front-end for dpkg to work with .deb pkgs, but now it also supports RPM (via apt-rpm). Synaptic Package Manager, Ubuntu Software Center are GUI front-ends to APT. Non-root users should prepend ~ with sudo.

apt-get update

update the package index, i.e., sync your local database of pkgs available from repositories (/etc/apt/sources.lst) with the appropriate servers; usually this is done at the session start);

apt-get upgrade

upgrade any pkgs on your system with new versions available;

apt-get dist-upgrade

upgrade your whole distribution to the newest release (it's a serious operation, think twice, make backup, etc);

apt-get install mplayer smplayer

install packages mplayer and smplayer;

apt-get remove unison-gtk

remove package unison-gtk; if other pkgs depend on the one being removed, ~ prompts you with what pkgs will be affected;

apt-get remove --purge unison-gtk

remove unison-gtk and related config files;

apt-get remove --purge linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae

apt-get remove --purge linux-headers-2.6.35-24

remove outdated linux kernel and related files;

apt-get autoremove

remove miscellaneous old packages;

apt-get source mpg321

download the source code for the package mpg321;

apt-get build-dep mpg321

download and install all dependencies required to build mpg321 from the source downloaded in the previous example;

apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean

clean out the local archive; autoclean removes only pkg files that are no longer available; clean removes everything except the lock file;

apt-get check

verify dependencies;

apt-cache policy python-numpy

check availablity of the specified pkg (python-numpy): is it installed already, or can it be downloaded, etc;

dpkg-reconfigure gdm

repair a damaged package gdm;

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

adjust the time zone;

dpkg-reconfigure postfix

create new config files for postfix;

dpkg-query -l | more

show all packages installed in the system;

dpkg -l | wc -l

how many packages are installed here?

dpkg -l pkg

show info on the installed software package;

dpkg -L pkg

list all files installed by the software package;

dpkg -i file

install a local (.deb) file to your system;

dpkg -S file

show info about the software pkg owning file;

Release upgrade for Ubuntu servers

Make sure that you have a good backup of your data, and copies of some modified config files from /etc.

apt-get update

apt-get install screen


Now if you get disconnected from your server, you can log back in and issue the following command to resume your screen session:

screen -Dr

Install the latest version of key system utilities:

apt-get install update-manager-core



When it's done, you may check the version:

cat /etc/lsb-release



locations to fetch pkgs from;


additional src list fragments;


APT config file;


APT config file fragments;


version preferences file;


storage area for the retrieved package files;


storage area for the package files in transit;


storage area for the state information for each package resource specified in sources.list;


storage area for the state information in transit;



manipulates or displays the kernel's ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache (/proc/net/arp). ARP is used to find the media access control (MAC) address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4 address. Complete entries in the ARP cache are marked with C, permanent entries with M, published entries with P.


show the current content of the ARP table;

arp -a

same as previous, but output in BSD format;

arp srv2

show entry for host srv2;


show entry for host with IP;

arp -e -p inet

show all Internet (inet protocol family) entries in default format;

arp -i eth0 -d

delete from ARP cache an entry for;


-h    --help    -V    --version    -v    --verbose

-a [host], --display[=host]

show arp cache entries in alternate (BSD) format; host can be either hostname or IP; if host is not specified, show all;

-d host, --delete=host

delete a ARP table entry for host (IP or hostname);

-D hw_addr, --use-device=hw_addr

show only info related to the interface specified by the hardware address;

-e show arp cache entries in default (Linux) format;

-f file, --file=file

like -s, but entry info is taken from file;

-H type, --hw-type type

the class (type) of entries to check for; ether (0x01) is default; other available options are arcnet, pronet, ax25, netrom;

-i iface, --device=iface

show only info related to the specified network interface;

-n, --numeric

show numerical addresses;

-p prot, --protocol=prot

show only info related to the specified protocol family;

-s host hw_addr

create an arp address mapping entry;

at, atq, atrm, batch

To schedule some job to be executed at 20:00 today, type

at 20:00

and press ENTER. When prompt (at>) appears, type cmd(s) to be executed (use ENTER for multiline input) and finish this procedure by pressing ENTER followed by CTRL+D.

at [options] time

execute cmds at a specified time;

atq [-q queue]

list pending jobs of the current user (root gets everybody's jobs);

atrm job ...

remove job(s);

batch [options] time

do job when the system load is relatively low;

Time: HH:MM[am|pm], midnight, noon, teatime (4pm);
Date: month day [year] (Jun 29 2008), MMDDYY, MM.DD.YY, MM/DD/YY, now, today, tomorrow, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday;

at 4:55pm Sep 5 < cmd.lst

execute commands from file cmd.lst at 4:55pm, Sep 5;

at 10:30am < cmd.lst

exec cmds from file cmd.lst at 10:30 today;

at -f cmds.txt 8:30 tomorrow

exec cmds from cmds.txt at 8:30 tomorrow;

at -f cmds.txt now + 15 minutes

exec cmds from cmds.txt in 15 minutes;

at -f cmds.txt 9:15am + 7 days

exec cmds ... at 9:15am, 7 days from now;

echo "shutdown -r now" | at now + 1 hour

initiate system reboot in one hour from now;

batch -f cmds.txt now + 8 hours

exec cmds ... in 8 hours (approx) from now;

atq list jobs in queue (also: at -l);

atrm 18 23   cancel jobs #18 and #23;

-V version;
-c cat the jobs listed on the cmd line to stdout;

-d job

remove job from queue (alias for atrm);

-f file

read job from the specified file;

-l list user's pending jobs (alias for atq);
-m send mail to user, when job has completed;

-q queue

use the specified queue (a-z, A-Z); a is default for at, b is default for batch);

-t time

submit the job to be run at the specified time, which must have the same format as specified for the touch utility’s -t option ([[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm);

-v show the time when the job will be executed;



